I follow several men's groups online, and I've been involved in several small groups, camps, and retreats as well. I can't tell you how many times I've heard guys say, "I'm really under a spiritual attack right now." Now, don't get me wrong, I believe in spiritual warfare, and I'm all for praying for someone who is facing a hard time. We are definitely facing an enemy that wants nothing more than to take us out (John 10:10).
But I have to wonder if we're not giving Satan extra credit at times. For example, if you eat horribly and are struggling to get the energy to do what you know needs to be done, this is a result of your lifestyle, not necessarily a spiritual attack. If you've been unfaithful to your wife, and you are struggling to earn back her trust, you are facing the consequences of your past mistakes.
This doesn't mean Satan can't use your past or this situation against you, or when you get that feeling that you are unworthy because of your past, that Satan isn't using those thoughts as a method of warfare to take you out of the game. I just feel that sometimes as men, we take the easy route of calling it a spiritual attack, rather than owning up to the consequences of our past mistakes.
Whether spiritual warfare or simply the results of our past, I still believe the approach needs to be the same.
1) We have to acknowledge our part in what we are struggling through. Let's use the example of unfaithfulness. We must acknowledge this, not only to God, but to the wife we've been unfaithful to. Whether forgiveness is initially given or not, honesty is the start to healing and the removal of guilt.
2) Put measures in place to prevent a return to the sin. This may include cutting all connections with someone, placing porn blockers on your devices, and allowing your spouse or someone you trust complete access to your life, including all electronics.
3) To piggy back off of the "someone you trust" point, find a few guys you know you can trust to stand with you through your recovery. If you don't have those guys, seek them out. They're out there. Having guys in my life that I can be completely transparent with has been key to me dealing with my personal struggles.
4) Trust God through the process. God will give grace and forgiveness as soon as we truly repent and ask for it. He never guarantees instant healing, or even a simple path to healing. Ask God daily what He wants you to learn through that day's struggles. There may be times you are impatient and get frustrated, but you must continue to trust God and do what you know is right in the process.
I am on the same journey as every other man who is seeking to be closer to God. I don't have all the answers, and I'm sure many of you could break these down into better steps or may have better insight into this subject than I do. I do believe in spiritual warfare. I also believe that whether that's what we are facing or the consequences of our past mistakes, God is still the same. He offers amazing grace, and He is a loving God who wants to walk with you through the process.
I welcome any thoughts or feedback that you may have.
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